


Automation and Digitization

Integrated DCS solution

In recent years, biopharmaceutical equipment control requirements have gradually shifted from equipment automation to process automation, and process automation has increasingly become the core of pharmaceutical enterprise production. Traditional stand-alone production has problems such as scattered data, data silos, complex production scheduling, and inconsistent automation design standards. It is difficult for factories to efficiently integrate production equipment automation and achieve one-click production. ​

In line with the trend of unmanned smart factories and full-process methods in biopharmaceuticals in the future, Lisure provides a variety of overall DCS automation solutions including DeltaV platform, PCS7 platform, and Experion PKS platform to break the information barriers between devices. The equipment chain realizes process automation through overall batch control + DCS, helping users transition to digitalization.


Fully compliant with ISA-88 standards

Data centralization

Decentralized control improves system risk resistance

Varioius formulas and flexible process scheduling

Fully automated process to reduce losses caused by human errors

Improve efficiency and stability of production equipment

Stand-alone equipment solution

For stand-alone equipment, Lisure provides a variety of platform systems for flexible selection. CVI platform system: independently developed control software for chromatography and ultrafiltration systems, providing users with flexible method editing, user management and data analysis functions. DeltaV platform system: DeltaV has two highly flexible graphical editing modes, Live and iFix, and improves the efficiency and flexibility of stand-alone equipment through the standard Batch function of Standalone mode. It can be easily integrated into the DCS (DeltaV) factory network later. Help users realize factory automation in stages. WinCC platform system: A flexible configuration tool that enables software customization of ultrafiltration, deep-layer and other equipment according to user processes, providing users with a control system with excellent stability, powerful monitoring functions, and high openness.

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