


Privacy Policy
Unless specifically stated otherwise, all rights (including but not limited to intellectual property rights, trade secrets) to the products, technologies, data, programs, layout designs, patterns, processes, audio, videos and other information on this website belong to Lisui Technology. Such Rights are protected by the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws, regulations, normative legal documents and relevant international treaties. Any infringement of the above rights Infringement may result in civil, administrative or criminal liability. Third-party rights involved in this website remain the property of those third parties.

Any unauthorized use of the above information without the express written consent of Lisure is strictly prohibited, otherwise we will pursue legal liability. If you have relevant needs, please obtain written permission from Lisure in advance.

When accessing our website requires the use of software or drivers provided by the website, the accompanying license agreement must be followed.

When accessing our website, please comply with applicable laws.

Personal Information

Lisure respects and protects personal privacy. Regarding the personal information you actively provide or generate when using this website, Lisure promises to collect and use it in accordance with the principles of legitimacy, legality and necessity. If Lisure wants to use your personal information for other purposes, or use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will inform you in a reasonable manner and obtain your consent again before use.

However, please understand that there are insecurities in information transmitted over the Internet that are beyond the control of Lisure. Although Lisure will implement and maintain reasonable measures to protect your personal information, Lisure cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted through this website or otherwise through the Internet; any information transmission is at your own risk.

Lisure adheres to a no-spam policy and prohibits the sending of spam.

Lisure promises:

1. Never sell or rent the personal data of users, potential users or web visitors.

2. Only send emails to people who agree to Lisu Technology sending emails.

3. Strengthen the monitoring of spam and take necessary preventive measures.

Other website links

In order to provide you with convenience and information, this website contains links to other sites. Such links do not constitute a commitment or recognition by Lisure of the content of the linked website.

Website message

Lisure will check your messages on this website. If your message contains insulting, defamatory, obscene or other illegal infringements, you will bear the corresponding legal liability. Lisure does not assume any responsibility and has the right to do so. Delete such comments.

Limitation of Liability

Lisure does not need to bear relevant legal liability for losses caused by reasons beyond the reasonable control of Lisure, including force majeure, government actions, power and telecommunications interruptions, etc. Lisure is not responsible for any indirect losses and expected benefits caused by this website and its use, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of contracting opportunities, litigation costs, incidental expenses, special expenses, and other similar incidental damages. responsibility.

Notices and Amendments

Lisure has the right to change, upgrade, and modify this website at its sole discretion based on operational needs and user experience. At the same time, in order to provide you with better services and with the development of Lisure business, this legal statement will also be updated accordingly. We will announce updates to relevant content through the website.

Please read the above terms carefully before accessing this website. If you visit this website, you accept the above terms. If you do not agree to any of the above terms, please stop accessing this website.