


Continuous Chrom System

The continuous chromatography system is a brand-new chromatography system that is often used for continuous chromatography purification and is designed to reduce the usage of packing materials significantly .

  • Continuous flow: Continuous flow of sample through the column, ensures even distribution of sample and a higher utilization of the stationary phase.

  • Higher throughput: A larger amount of sample can be processed per unit time, increasing the overall productivity.

  • Smaller column size: 4C operate at higher flow rates, which leads to faster separations and smaller columns.

  • Better efficiency: Due to higher utilization of the stationary phase, up to four laboratory-sized columns can be used as the sample flows through the entire length of the column. Through the system control function, each chromatography column can switch between loading/elution/washing/regeneration steps at the same time.

  • Superior automation and control features: Provide robust process control during critical downstream step.

  • Automated svstems: Can precisely control critical parameters, leading to reproducible and optimized separations. Control inreal-time allows for better control over the separation process and improved separation performance.

  • Small system footprint : Switch functions are realized by a specially designed compact block valve containing 26 intergated valves.

  • Custom-designed: Process scale 4C Continuous Chromatography can be custom-designed on request.